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FEatured FEWs

  • June 01, 2020 2:18 PM | Amanda Hackett (Administrator)


    Name: Amanda Hackett

    Organization and Title: Communications Coordinator at Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict

    Length of time as a FEW Member: It's been about two years. My first visit was as a guest at the 2017 November business meeting with my friend and colleague, Sister Nina Lasceski.

    Hometown: Stacy, Minn.

    Family: I am a newlywed; my husband, Austin, and I got married this past September! I also have my mom, Tamara, my dad, Timothy, and my (fraternal) twin sister, Samantha.

    What do you actually do at work? I handle our organization's external communications, including social media, magazine publications and our website. This involves posting on social media, designing, writing and liaising with many different people throughout the monastery.

    How do you help others succeed? I encourage them and let them know when they are doing a great job. I think words of encouragement are so important.

    What was your first job? I helped out at my mom's dental office for one summer while one of their employees was on maternity leave. 

    Is your desk/office messy or organized? My desk is pretty organized and clean. When the work begins to pile up, I make an intentional effort to devote time to simply tidying up. It makes me feel much more organized and on top of it!

    Favorite vacation spot? I am a huge fan of anywhere with a tropical beach, a beautiful view and a cold margarita! 

    What do you do for fun? Traveling is my biggest passion! I have been to all 50 states as well South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe twice. When I'm not on the go, I enjoy basking in the sunshine, taking walks, writing and binging a good Netflix show!

    Who is your hero? My mom is my hero. She is my best friend and has always supported me. Also, she's hilarious and such a blast to be around! I aspire to be like her.

    What are three words that best describe you? Adventurous, compassionate and ambitious.
  • May 01, 2020 1:30 PM | Amanda Hackett (Administrator)


    Name: Leah Rosso

    Organization/Title: Pastor of First United Methodist Church of the St. Cloud Region

    Length of time as a FEW Member: 3 or 4 years

    Hometown: Woodbury, Minn.

    Family: I have a husband of 20 years and three daughters (6, 10 and 12)

    What do you actually do at work? A little bit of everything! Now, because of COVID, I focus mainly on making sure people are staying connected to one another, that the church is supporting the needs of the wider St. Cloud community and putting together a worship video every week!

    How do you help others succeed? I encourage them to focus on their strengths, see vulnerability as a positive and be themselves.

    What is your biggest accomplishment? Lately, it's been creating worship videos! Who knew I should've gone to film school?

    What was your first job? I loved to work when I was young, so I worked at all kinds of places: a stamping store, Creative Kidstuff, Toby's Restaurant, in the tech department at school, Famous Footwear and cleaning out milk barns!

    Is your desk/office messy or organized? Mostly organized. When the piles grow, I have to take a break and clean house before I can think straight.

    Do you have or are you a mentor? I have many mentors and I am a mentor. I believe strongly in sharing leadership, learning from others and doing all the good I can!

    Last book read? The Magician's Assistant by Ann Patchett for fiction and Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor for nonfiction.

    Favorite vacation spot? We go to family camp at the YMCA Camp, Camp DuNord, every summer. It's right on the edge of the boundary waters.

    What do you do for fun? I love to travel, although I haven't done a lot since having kids. I've spent time in Zimbabwe, South Korea, Japan, Guatemala, Haiti and Israel/Palestine.

    Who is your hero? Some of the people I look up to most are Barbara Brown Taylor, Maya Angelou and Peter Storey (who helped end apartheid in South Africa).

    What are three words that best describe you? Compassionate, motivated and a good listener.

  • March 01, 2020 1:22 PM | Amanda Hackett (Administrator)

    March Featured FEW

    Name: Melissa Stalboerger

    Organization & title: Woodcraft Industries Inc., HR Generalist  

    Length of time as a FEW Member: 1 year

    Hometown: Luxemburg

    Family: Husband, Eric, of 17 years; 2 children, Ava (14) and Jacob (12)

    What do you actually do at work? I take care of many things: interviewing, hiring, firing, disciplining, benefits, payroll, set up meals, picnics, recognition awards ceremony and many other duties.

    What was your first job? I worked as a hostess at Perkins. Way back when we had to wear a green skirt and pin striped shirt with a bow tie!

    What's your biggest accomplishment? Having children.

    Is your desk/office messy or organized? I would say an organized mess...

    Who is your oldest friend and where did you met them? Jen. We lived close by each other since kindergarten. We were maid of honors in each other's weddings. I am godparent to her son. She is godparent over my daughter. Our daughters are six weeks apart and best friends.

    Biggest indulgence/guilty pleasure: Taking a nap.                       

    What is your biggest pet peeve? When individuals concern themselves with other people's problems. Motto in my office"Everything in life is easier when you don't concern yourself with what everybody else is doing."

    What did you want to be when you were a kid? A teacher. In some ways, I have become with with being a mom, coach and working in HR. 

    What would other FEW members be surprised to learn about you? I have coached girls' travel basketball for seven years. I started with the group in second grade. This is my last year with the girls in eighth grade.

  • February 01, 2020 1:14 PM | Amanda Hackett (Administrator)

    A person sitting in a chair Description automatically generated

    February's Featured FEW

    Name: Kim LeBlanc   

    Organization/Title: Evelie Blu Boutique, Owner   

    Length of time as a FEW Member: This is my second year as a member of FEW.

    Hometown: I live in Sauk Rapids.

    Family: I have 2 children, Chase, 28, and Ellie, 19. My husband, Bruce, and I have been married 31 years this June. We are currently empty nesters!

    What do you actually do at work? I manage all the aspects of my boutique including six employees (two full time), merchandising, buying, operations, marketing, etc.

    What was your first job? I was a movie theater (Cinema 70 for those of you who may remember) concessions and ticket sales associate.

    Is your desk/office messy or organized? Okay…Organized to me, but probably messy to most people. Office work is not my favorite thing to do. I like being on the sales floor meeting my customers and hearing their stories.

    Last book read: I am currently reading ‘Yoga and the Quest for the True Self’ 

    Who had the biggest impact on the person you have become? My husband has been always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader. He is my partner in life, my coach, my sounding board, my best friend. He has helped me become the person I am today. 

    What are three words that best describe you? Kind, Loyal, Adventurous 

    What is something your obsessed with? I am obsessed with learning! I am a self-taught entrepreneur and have an innate drive for continued learning. I am interested learning about any subject as long as it will help me grow intellectually, creatively or spiritually. I love taking workshops, going to conferences and reading nonfiction books. I recently discovered podcasts and listen to them every morning while I am getting ready for work and in my car! They are great! 

    What would other FEW members be surprised to learn about you? I am going back to school! I am currently enrolled to become a yoga instructor. This is something that has been tugging at my heart for a few years and I finally decided to do it. So, watch for yoga classes being taught at Evelie Blu Boutique later this year!

  • December 05, 2019 8:14 AM | Deleted user


    Doreen Meier

    Human Resources Business Consultant - HR Simplified

    FEW Member since: 20+ Years

    Hometown: Richmond, MN

    Family: Husband, Tom, Two adult sons, Dustin (22) and Ben (18)

    What do you actually do at work?: I design strategic HR initiatives and provide HR support to organizations. 

    What was your first job (ever)? Cashier at Menards in St. Cloud

    Do you have a mentor? Yes

    Last vacation spot? Costa Rica-It is my favorite place to go!

    Biggest indulgence? Taking a 2-hour nap!

    What do you do for fun? I enjoy spending time with friends and family. I also love doing adventurous things (e.g. hiking, camping, motorcycling). 

    What one word would friends say best describes you? Authentic

    What would other FEW members be surprised to learn about you?  I have accepted a full-time position as the Director of Human Resources at St. Cloud Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic, effective December 30, 2019.

  • November 01, 2019 3:27 PM | Deleted user


    Sally Jo Baumgartner

    Esteemed Retiree

    FEW Member since THE BEGINNING! 1982

    Hometown: Grand Forks, ND

    Family: Jeff Baumgartner who worked at UBS (formerly Piper Jaffray) for 39+ years - Daughter - Kendall and her spouse Josh

    What do you actually do at work?

    Before retiring I owned and operated a candle factory for 15+ years in Pequot Lakes, MN

    What was your first job (ever)? 

    My goal during high school and college was to have a different job every summer which could expose me to new experiences.  The first was the most disgusting - washing glass tubes in a hospital lab.

    How do you help others succeed?

    First - listening and more listening followed by facilitating networks and sources for new opportunities (am currently assisting someone looking for a new job in the Brainerd area).  If you know of a company looking for someone smart, high energy, outgoing, a quick learner, digitally inclined, flexible and people-oriented with a ready laugh - please contact me!

    What does FEW mean to you?

    Some of you (including those on the recent WOW trip in September) are familiar with how FEW started. Ten to twelve women in 1982 reached out to other career women in the St. Cloud area to form this new business/networking group.  The group was oriented to establish new contacts/friendships, be exposed to newsworthy topics and perhaps assist women wanting to advance their careers.

    It’s been all of that for me through the years and to this day, (some 37+ years later) most of my best friendships have blossomed because of FEW and you.  November, of course, is your annual meeting and soon it will be time to determine whether you will be renewing your membership.  For many, it’s an easy decision but for others, renewing can be a time issue, a budget matter, a career decision, or maybe the emotional/friend connection just isn’t there. 

    Although it may not be apparent today, please trust that this organization, FEW, could someday be your link to new discoveries, career connections, a lifeline during challenging times and, for sure, solid gold friendships. 

    Last vacation spot?

    A few weeks ago to San Diego with my solid gold friend, and fellow FEW founder and friend, Kathleen Bernick.

  • October 09, 2019 2:36 PM | Deleted user


    Sarah Cords

    Leadership, Team & Culture Development Facilitator, Certified Dare To Lead Facilitator, Brand & Marketing Strategist


    FEW Member since 2016

    Hometown: St. Joseph, MN

    Family: I have a wonderful family that includes a hubby, two daughters, Aliyah and Ava, three dogs, and two cats.

    What do you actually do at work?

    As a leadership development coach & facilitator, I work with individuals and teams toward transformational leadership and operationalizing values. I also work with brands and companies to create strategies that align across the short term and long term growth cross-functionally for sales and marketing (traditional, digital, social, etc.). My branding work affects all aspects of a business and is directly connected to consumer needs, emotions, and competitive environments. I am also working to elevate brands through values-based brand strategies & communication.

    How do you help others succeed? 

    I believe in lifting others up by highlighting their skills and strengths while always learning, growing, and creating forward momentum. Active listening and being present with people is key.

    I recommend (book, movie, show, activity, restaurant, website, etc) and why?

    Well, I am very passionate around the Dare To Lead work that Brene’ Brown is pioneering. I recommend to everyone to read Dare To Lead. While my recommendation list is quite long, that bubbles to the surface.

    Who was your favorite teacher and what did they teach you?

    I am a lifelong learner and have several teachers that have impacted my life. I had a wonderful teacher in college who was passionate about equal rights and feminism that introduced me to some eye-opening authors and resources. I consider my friends and children to be some of my biggest teachers almost daily, as well as my colleagues, fellow board members, committee members, and FEW tribe. We have some amazing leaders in FEW that I continually learn from.

    Last book read?

    I’m reading Good To Great currently. I just re-read Daring Greatly by Brene’ Brown, and for fun, The Toottooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris.

    Last vacation spot?

    Jay Cooke State Park - Camping gives my family the time to slow down and reconnect with each other, nature, and explore.

    What's one word that friends say best describes you?

    Driven & Attentive ( I had to ask!)

    What is your personal or business philosophy?

    Foster connection, share resources and always be a learner. Connect with your authenticity, and you will see a shift in who you attract. We all benefit from building others up around us. It’s okay to fail, as long as you learn from the experience and get back up.

  • September 05, 2019 3:14 PM | Deleted user


    Carie Essig

    Executive Director

    Stearns History Museum

    FEW Member since 2019

    Hometown: St. Paul, MN

    Family: Daughters, Elizabeth (10th grader at Sartell) and Anastasia (US Navy Hoorah!)

    What do you actually do at work?

    Set the vision and tone for guest experiences for all interactions with the Museum.  Supervise an expert staff of curators, educators, and designers who provide exhibits, public programs and fun for adults, children, groups and families. My favorite thing to do at work is to spend time with our members and supporters learning about our shared interest in history.

    What was your first job (ever)? 

    Babysitting… I loved it.

    Are you a task-oriented person or a people-oriented person?

    Both. I particularly love it when we can match people and tasks in a way that grow the people and the organization.

    What do you do for fun?

    Camp, saunter in the woods, garden

    Last book read?

    A cheap paperback historical fiction. It’s my guilty pleasure when I travel.

    Last vacation spot?

    True vacation:  Hawaii. Other favorite home away from home is the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado.

    What one word would friends say best describes you?


    What is your personal or business philosophy?

    Work hard, tell the truth even when it hurts, and lead by example.

  • August 01, 2019 3:13 PM | Deleted user


    Jodi Elness

    Director of Recruitment and Admissions

    St. Cloud Technical and Community College

    FEW Member since first time was in the early 1990's and now for about 10 years

    Hometown: Alexandria, MN

    Family: Two boys and a significant other

    What do you actually do at work?

    Attend meetings...just kidding...but I do call myself a professional meeting attender.  I am in charge of meeting the enrollment goals of the college. We have both technical and liberal arts majors and our enrollment numbers have been solid and I am super happy to see the attitudes changing towards students choosing to go into two year programs.

    Is your desk/office messy or organized? 

    My desk is very messy but I know where everything is. This always surprises me because at home, I hate clutter. I am working hard to simplify my home life and will work on the desk and desk drawers after that. It seems like once you start tossing, it just gets easier.

    Do you work in the field you were educated in?

    Sort major at SCSU was Mass Communications and Marketing. In the field of college admissions, you need strong communication skills to fill your programs. I don’t think most folks start out with the intention of becoming a college admissions director. But once you find the work, most of us can’t imagine doing anything else.

    Biggest Indulgence?

    Dairy Queen and the house pizza at House of Pizza.

    What do you do for fun?

    I love being outdoors. I think nature presents us with so many beautiful sights if we just slow down to look at them. My favorites are four wheeling, camping, hiking, or just sitting in the sun on a chilly fall day.

    When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    John Denver’s wife. I know that dates me, but seriously, I wanted to live in the mountains, walk in meadows, wear hats and sing songs all day.  I never made it to the mountains, I don’t look good in hats, I can’t sing, and I didn’t marry John Denver. I do, whenever I can, walk in meadows. I guess one out of five isn't bad. Time for some new “when I grow up” goals. 

    What would other FEW members be surprised to learn about you?

    That I am an introvert and describe myself as dorky. I am happiest in a comfortable chair, outdoors, reading a book, with no interruptions.

    What is your personal or business philosophy?

    I would say that it has changed over the years. What once seemed important seems just silly now. It’s not about how much money you make or how important you think you are at your job. What is important is how you treat people, how you treat yourself, how you spend your time, how you spend your money, your health and making the most of each day. I always say I wish at the age of 25 I knew what I know now.

  • July 18, 2019 8:09 AM | Deleted user


    Sarah Noble 

    Associate Advisor

    AIS Planning

    FEW Member since October 2018

    Hometown: Morris, MN

    Family: Husband: Andy, Children: Alexandra (13), Katelyn (11), William (9)

    What do you actually do at work?

    I get to build amazing relationships and help people align their life goals with their financial plans! At AIS Planning we help guide our clients by offering objective advice--not tied to any financial company or product-- and we do this by getting to know them deeply and intentionally with thoughtful questions and careful listening. Our motto is: Plan your tomorrow, enjoy your today!

    Are you a task-oriented person or a people-oriented person?

    People, people, people! I love meeting new people and thrive in environments where connecting is key!

    Do you work in the field you were educated in?

    No! I never thought I would be in the world of financial planning--in a MILLION years. Ha! Life has a way of helping you get to exactly where you need to be. Through a series of events, I was led to this industry and about a year ago--into the world of planning with clients. I absolutely love helping people and teaching women in particular, that financial planning isn’t “just for the boys”. Learning how to manage your money and be in control of your future gives you freedom, confidence and CHOICES! Who doesn’t love those!?

    What one word would friends say best describes you?


    When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    A teacher! I would force my younger brother and his friends to sit at little desks while I corrected their papers and assigned them homework. Ha! I loved using my creative skills to come up with fun lesson plans and having an organized ‘classroom’ was a thrill at age 10. They still remind me of this and when they do I remind them they have overdue assignments!

    What is your favorite (clean) joke?

    What is a pirate’s favorite letter?

    Answer: You think it’d be “RRR”, but ‘tis the “C” they love! 

    Sorry--my 9-year old son gives me the best clean jokes--I had to share!

    What would other FEW members be surprised to learn about you?

    People are usually most surprised to learn that I was a hockey player! I grew up in a ‘hockey family’, and have been skating ever since I can remember! I played organized girls hockey from the age of 12 all throughout high school for the good ‘ol Morris Tigers. I’m a left-winger with a mean wrist shot! SHE SHOOTS-SHE SCORES!

    What is your personal or business philosophy?

    Always act with integrity--doing the right thing is never wrong--and the seeds you plant today will bring forth a harvest in due time.

Forum of Executive Women is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. St. Cloud, Minnesota

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