Jodi Elness
Director of Recruitment and Admissions
St. Cloud Technical and Community College
FEW Member since first time was in the early 1990's and now for about 10 years
Hometown: Alexandria, MN
Family: Two boys and a significant other
What do you actually do at work?
Attend meetings...just kidding...but I do call myself a professional meeting attender. I am in charge of meeting the enrollment goals of the college. We have both technical and liberal arts majors and our enrollment numbers have been solid and I am super happy to see the attitudes changing towards students choosing to go into two year programs.
Is your desk/office messy or organized?
My desk is very messy but I know where everything is. This always surprises me because at home, I hate clutter. I am working hard to simplify my home life and will work on the desk and desk drawers after that. It seems like once you start tossing, it just gets easier.
Do you work in the field you were educated in?
Sort major at SCSU was Mass Communications and Marketing. In the field of college admissions, you need strong communication skills to fill your programs. I don’t think most folks start out with the intention of becoming a college admissions director. But once you find the work, most of us can’t imagine doing anything else.
Biggest Indulgence?
Dairy Queen and the house pizza at House of Pizza.
What do you do for fun?
I love being outdoors. I think nature presents us with so many beautiful sights if we just slow down to look at them. My favorites are four wheeling, camping, hiking, or just sitting in the sun on a chilly fall day.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
John Denver’s wife. I know that dates me, but seriously, I wanted to live in the mountains, walk in meadows, wear hats and sing songs all day. I never made it to the mountains, I don’t look good in hats, I can’t sing, and I didn’t marry John Denver. I do, whenever I can, walk in meadows. I guess one out of five isn't bad. Time for some new “when I grow up” goals.
What would other FEW members be surprised to learn about you?
That I am an introvert and describe myself as dorky. I am happiest in a comfortable chair, outdoors, reading a book, with no interruptions.
What is your personal or business philosophy?
I would say that it has changed over the years. What once seemed important seems just silly now. It’s not about how much money you make or how important you think you are at your job. What is important is how you treat people, how you treat yourself, how you spend your time, how you spend your money, your health and making the most of each day. I always say I wish at the age of 25 I knew what I know now.