Name: Charlene Ridlon
Organization/Title: Anna Marie’s Alliance
Length of time as a FEW Member: I have been a member since 2021.
Hometown: My hometown is Shakopee, Minnesota, but I have now lived in Waite Park, longer than when I lived at home.
Family: Husband Scott, Daughter Gabrielle
What I actually do at work: I write grants and work with the development team in donor relations.
My first job: I worked as a cashier in a Snyder Drug store
What my biggest accomplishment is: I followed my dream and opened Art As You Like it in 2003 and had 16 great years of being an entrepreneur. It was the hardest job I ever had and the most rewarding. I am glad I was able to do it, but I am also glad that I am now able to do other things.
Is my desk messy or organized: I am in a constant state of trying to figure out a work flow (messy!)
My favorite vacation spot: Someplace pretty to hike or walk, a museum or art exhibit to visit, a body of water, good food, and a place to relax must be above 65 degrees, but below 90.
Who my oldest friend is and where I met them: Robyn, we met the summer before Kindergarten. We have not lived in the same state since we were 9 years old, but continue to stay in touch all these years later.
What I do for fun: I am currently exploring my artistic side, so I watch art videos, take art classes, and have been painting outside when the weather is nice—it gets me out and about to search for scenic things and beautiful areas around Minnesota and beyond.
What I wanted to be when I was a kid: A teacher
Something I’m obsessed with: Learning and creating in new art mediums. I love to buy the supplies and play until I am bored, or create cool things.