February's Featured FEW
Name: Kim LeBlanc
Organization/Title: Evelie Blu Boutique, Owner
Length of time as a FEW Member: This is my second year as a member of FEW.
Hometown: I live in Sauk Rapids.
Family: I have 2 children, Chase, 28, and Ellie, 19. My husband, Bruce, and I have been married 31 years this June. We are currently empty nesters!
What do you actually do at work? I manage all the aspects of my boutique including six employees (two full time), merchandising, buying, operations, marketing, etc.
What was your first job? I was a movie theater (Cinema 70 for those of you who may remember) concessions and ticket sales associate.
Is your desk/office messy or organized? Okay…Organized to me, but probably messy to most people. Office work is not my favorite thing to do. I like being on the sales floor meeting my customers and hearing their stories.
Last book read: I am currently reading ‘Yoga and the Quest for the True Self’
Who had the biggest impact on the person you have become? My husband has been always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader. He is my partner in life, my coach, my sounding board, my best friend. He has helped me become the person I am today.
What are three words that best describe you? Kind, Loyal, Adventurous
What is something your obsessed with? I am obsessed with learning! I am a self-taught entrepreneur and have an innate drive for continued learning. I am interested learning about any subject as long as it will help me grow intellectually, creatively or spiritually. I love taking workshops, going to conferences and reading nonfiction books. I recently discovered podcasts and listen to them every morning while I am getting ready for work and in my car! They are great!
What would other FEW members be surprised to learn about you? I am going back to school! I am currently enrolled to become a yoga instructor. This is something that has been tugging at my heart for a few years and I finally decided to do it. So, watch for yoga classes being taught at Evelie Blu Boutique later this year!