Leila Utsch
Alumni Relations Event and Office Coordinator
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
FEW Member since July 2018
Hometown: Paynesville, MN
Family: Jerry Utsch, Children: Josh, Adam, Chris and Carissa. I have 10 grandchildren ages ranging from 18 - 3 years.
What do you actually do at work?
Along with the director of alumni coordinate and execute all event logistics for all alumni events from organizing and marketing events to registration, payment processing, paying deposits, food, beverages and other event details. Scheduling and event coordinator for the Alumni Board and their four annual meetings. Partner will athletics department and Director of Alumni Relations on J-Club and J-Fund duties, Including scheduling of J-Club Board Meetings, J-Club Events and J-Club marketing and communications. Working with the business office regarding all budgets for the alumni office and events. Other duties as assigned.
What was your first job (ever)?
In high school, I worked with two special needs elementary students for an hour and a half, 3 times a week for two years.
Is your desk/office messy or organized?
Honestly, it depends on the time of the year. During my busy time of the year it is usually a mess but in my quiet time my office is more clean and organized.
Who was your favorite teacher and what did they teach you?
Mr. Novak, American History
Do you have a mentor?
Fr. Don Talafous, OSB
Last book read?
“Room for You” by Beth Ehemann
Last vacation spot?
St. Pete’s Beach and Fort Myers, Florida
Biggest indulgence?
Peanut Butter Snickers
What do you do for fun?
Cooking and baking it is my relaxation.
What one word would friends say best describes you?