Name: Lori Braegelmann
Regional Coordinator, Central Minnesota (12 years)
Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota
Member since 2016
How do you help others succeed?
I help others succeed by being curious about them, supporting them with enthusiasm and inspiration, and conveying that I want them to be successful.
Is your desk/office messy or organized?
My work space is um, a-hem ... full, with piles. But the piles are all organized and I know where to find things.
What is the last book you read?
A Legacy Unrivaled, The Story of John Gagliardi by Boz Bostrom
Where was your last vacation spot?
At my best friend's cabin on Little Birch Lake.
What is your biggest indulgence?
Strong coffee, but that's tied with chips and fresh salsa.
What do you do for fun?
I love to walk, read, do puzzles, and spend time with my grandkids.
What would other FEW members be surprised to learn about you?
I love public speaking. It gives me energy to speak in front of a group, from 20 to 200 people.