Name: Linda Allen
Organization: Executive Director, Quiet Oaks Hospice House & Respite Care
Length of time as a FEW Member: Since 2019
Hometown: Born in Albany, MN and now reside in St. Cloud
Family: I am a daughter, older sister, aunt, mother, and grandmother- they call me Gigi. My grandchildren- Brynn (5 ½) and Marco (2 ½) are my greatest joy.
What I actually do at work: Manage interruptions and handle the day-to-day activities of operating a non-profit. Hopefully I guide, lead and inspire my staff along the way. I also have the honor and privilege to journey with family members whose loved ones are living out their final days. This is often wrought with anticipatory grief and I help people as they endure that pain.
My biggest accomplishment: I am proud of the fact that, as a single mom, I managed to raise 2 incredible daughters while juggling and navigating some of the most challenging times in my life. I believe some of the greatest difficulties we face make us who we are.
Is your desk/office messy or organized? Messy- yet I almost always know which pile something is in.
Are you a task-oriented person or a people-oriented person? I am very much a people-oriented person and thrive when I am able to help others.
Last book read: My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere warm and sunny- preferably with a beach.
The one meal I'd eat for the rest of my life: Pizza! I am a fan of Canadian bacon and pineapple. My all-time favorite was a BBQ chicken pizza with sauerkraut once made by Godfathers. I don’t think they make it anymore but it was delicious!
What I wanted to be when I was a kid: A teacher or a veterinarian.
My favorite way to waste time: Binge on Netflix
What other FEW members be surprised to learn about me: I was once a nun. Actually, I played the part of Mother Superior in The Sound of Music. I haven’t done much theater since high school but love it and am planning to audition for something this year.