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Meet Greta Stark-Kraker!

June 16, 2022 3:24 PM | Sam Switzer (Administrator)

Name: Greta Stark-Kraker (pronounced Crocker)

Organization & title: Central Minnesota Community Foundation Executive Director

Length of time as a FEW Member: Three months

Hometown: St. Cloud/Central Minnesota

Family: Husband and three grown step kids and three dogs

What do you actually do at work: I’m the Executive Director of CMCF, collaborate with community leaders and help our donors achieve their philanthropic goals through the community foundation. I do this by engaging people, connecting resources and building community. We truly are better together.  In addition, I get to help CMCF staff, board members and volunteers provide a concierge level of engagement and commitment to our community as a whole.  

What was your first job? I worked at Dairy Queen on Hwy 10

How do you help others succeed?  I believe in building people up and bringing people together to better our community for all. 

Is your desk/office messy or organized? Definitely organized clutter

Are you a task-oriented person or a people-oriented person? People orientated 

Favorite vacation spot? In the winter anywhere with a beach and palm trees and in the spring, summer and fall the North Shore.

Who is your oldest friend and where did you meet them? My best friend Amy, we met in high school homeroom.

If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Mac-n-cheese?

Who had the biggest impact on the person you have become? Barb Carlson, former CMCF Development Officer.

Biggest indulgence/guilty pleasure? I love fun shoes!

What do you do for fun?  Enjoying a quiet road trip on a backroad, snowshoeing, quilting, long walks with my dogs, and spending time with family and friends.

What are three words that best describe you? Empathetic, Adaptable, Convener

What did you want to be when you were a kid? Teacher 

Forum of Executive Women is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. St. Cloud, Minnesota

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